Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Science and discoveries

Some days, I wish I lived a long time ago. There is an allure to the past that I can't quite fully understand myself. Don't get me wrong - I would dread giving up the modern conveniences we have. Believe me, I am not the type to live in squalor. I am definitely more the "i'd-shower-twice-a-day-if-i-didn't-have-kids" type. I don't use porta-potties so you can image how I'd handle outhouses.

Still, I wish I lived in a world where things were new. Really new, not like the "new" we have today. "Ooo a brand new iPhone!" <--Not exactly what I have in mind.

Once upon a time people celebrated science and the advancements it could offer us. The uneducated masses didn't just decide that we knew better than those science-y folks and make decisions based on rumors and untruths, we believed that those advances were in our best interest. Sure, I get it. We lost our ability to trust those who govern us through lies and deceit and thereby lost trust in anything they have their sticky fingers in. I get the confusion and the trouble it is to decide what is and isn't right anymore. I just wish we didn't have to. I wish I could experience the joy people felt after the first successful vaccine immunization was apparent or know what it was like to discover a new planet and truly see the stars for the first time.

Our world has shrunk considerably. Discoveries come less and less frequently and they aren't embraced with joy they are scorned and tossed aside. I wish scientists were shown the respect and adoration we show towards our sports teams. In the end, those sports players won't make a difference like those scientists could. And maybe, just maybe, the love and adoration we offered scientists would push them to new heights and new discoveries and pure joy for the masses.

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